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# Copyright (c) 2020 by Philipp Scheer. All Rights Reserved.

import signal
from typing import Callable

class Exiter:
    The Exiter class runs a given script as long as no keyboard interrupt or other exceptions occured
    running = True
    Specifies if the got stopped by the user or not.  
    As long as `running` is True, the script may continue running  
    If `running` is False, the script knows its parent process or itself got stopped and can safely exit

    exit_fn_list = []
    Contains a list of callbacks which get executed when the script stops

    def __init__(self, on_exit_fn: Callable, args: object = None) -> None:
        Initialize the Exiter class
        * `on_exit_fn` is a callable which gets added to the `exit_fn_list` and gets called whenever the parent or current process stops
        * `args` specifies args which should be passed to the `on_exit_fn`
        Exiter.exit_fn_list.append({"fn": on_exit_fn, "args": args})

    def exit_fn(signum: int, frame: str) -> None:
        A callback function for the signal.signal handlers
        Exiter.running = False
        for fn in Exiter.exit_fn_list:
            fn["fn"]() if fn["args"] is None else fn["fn"](*fn["args"])

signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, Exiter.exit_fn)
signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, Exiter.exit_fn)
#   class Exiter:
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class Exiter:
    The Exiter class runs a given script as long as no keyboard interrupt or other exceptions occured
    running = True
    Specifies if the got stopped by the user or not.  
    As long as `running` is True, the script may continue running  
    If `running` is False, the script knows its parent process or itself got stopped and can safely exit

    exit_fn_list = []
    Contains a list of callbacks which get executed when the script stops

    def __init__(self, on_exit_fn: Callable, args: object = None) -> None:
        Initialize the Exiter class
        * `on_exit_fn` is a callable which gets added to the `exit_fn_list` and gets called whenever the parent or current process stops
        * `args` specifies args which should be passed to the `on_exit_fn`
        Exiter.exit_fn_list.append({"fn": on_exit_fn, "args": args})

    def exit_fn(signum: int, frame: str) -> None:
        A callback function for the signal.signal handlers
        Exiter.running = False
        for fn in Exiter.exit_fn_list:
            fn["fn"]() if fn["args"] is None else fn["fn"](*fn["args"])

The Exiter class runs a given script as long as no keyboard interrupt or other exceptions occured

#   Exiter(on_exit_fn: Callable, args: object = None)
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    def __init__(self, on_exit_fn: Callable, args: object = None) -> None:
        Initialize the Exiter class
        * `on_exit_fn` is a callable which gets added to the `exit_fn_list` and gets called whenever the parent or current process stops
        * `args` specifies args which should be passed to the `on_exit_fn`
        Exiter.exit_fn_list.append({"fn": on_exit_fn, "args": args})

Initialize the Exiter class

  • on_exit_fn is a callable which gets added to the exit_fn_list and gets called whenever the parent or current process stops
  • args specifies args which should be passed to the on_exit_fn
#   running = True

Specifies if the got stopped by the user or not.
As long as running is True, the script may continue running
If running is False, the script knows its parent process or itself got stopped and can safely exit

#   exit_fn_list = []

Contains a list of callbacks which get executed when the script stops

def exit_fn(signum: int, frame: str) -> None:
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    def exit_fn(signum: int, frame: str) -> None:
        A callback function for the signal.signal handlers
        Exiter.running = False
        for fn in Exiter.exit_fn_list:
            fn["fn"]() if fn["args"] is None else fn["fn"](*fn["args"])

A callback function for the signal.signal handlers